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Can't Move Seats

Guest Neo

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For those that haven't got their season tickets in the post yet (or not bought them yet), when they are received, you will find a note in there that says you cannot exchange seats whatsoever this season (used the development work as an excuse and IMO it is an excuse).

I personally think this is a poor decision by the club and is certainly going to affect me.

I go with my mate and neither of us have bought season tickets for the kids this year as they tend to have kids parties, can't go to night games cos of school etc. etc.; so in general easier to pay as we go with them.

So the plan was to take them when they could along with my mates brother who simply couldn't afford it this year but was planning to come with us to at least half the games.

Now though we will have to sit separately which is a nonsense as it takes seconds to arrange a seat transfer in the shop and if it really is going to be a full house (which it won't for 75% of the games anyway), does it truly matter is i sit in my seat or somebody else buys it?

In general, not too impressed. This will have an affect on me and people who do want to go to games; just not as many.

Anybody else affected by this? Agree or disagree that it is a poor decision?

BTW, is there a discount still fof 10% for season ticket holders buying somebody else a ticket? If not, why? If so, pointless if they can't sit with you!

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I'm not sure what your saying. Surely you said what seat you wanted to sit in when you bought your season ticket?

Neo, I'll let you into a little story (shhhhhhhhh shutup.gif ) , I don't think I sat in my ST seat once last season, I also couldn't be arsed with transfers. Why not buy seperate seats for the kids then find a suitable number of empty seats together in the ground? problem solved. Of course only works when it's not a sell out.

Besides how exactly do they intend to enforce this rule, I don't mean the ticket office transfers, but the people not sat in their seats? are they going to check everyones stubs/books? it'll be an impossible task.

Of course if they attempt it, at least they'll have no time to insist people to sit down. dance.gif

I'm sooooooooo looking forward to next season. chant6ez.gif

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Neo, I'll let you into a little story (shhhhhhhhh  shutup.gif ) , I don't think I sat in my ST seat once last season, I also couldn't be arsed with transfers. Why not buy seperate seats for the kids then find a suitable number of empty seats together in the ground? problem solved. Of course only works when it's not a sell out.

Besides how exactly do they intend to enforce this rule, I don't mean the ticket office transfers, but the people not sat in their seats? are they going to check everyones stubs/books? it'll be an impossible task.

Of course if they attempt it, at least they'll have no time to insist people to sit down.  dance.gif

I'm sooooooooo looking forward to next season.  chant6ez.gif

Obviously we can do this. It jsut means that you buy say 2 for the kids and you then have to wait until close to kick-off time to see if anybody takes up the seats next to them.

And if it is a big game, you can't take them unless you split up as a party.

Either way, think it's poor. I can understand if they made it personal callers only and had charges from moving from one area to another (if the seats you move to are dearer etc.). But, you can't move full stop? It's not like the 10 or so staff that are permanently in the shop (albeit 8 seem to mill around doing little - certainly don't serve you) are rushed in general!

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Yep, think it will affect many; especially if the Dolman is a success and people want to move from the Atyeo for example to join. Last year I had my ST in the Dolman and sat all but 3 games in the Williams. I don't really see the reasoning behind changing the rule and not be allowed to swap to be honest? dunno.gif

Another thing this may affect next season, is when someone like Swansea come to visit. A kid with their grandad may feel safer moving to the opposite side of the ground for this game, does the new rule mean they can't? blink.gif

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Say i fancy watching the next game in a different stand ( join the guys in the dolman)

  Can I not swap my ticket in advance and pay the difference ???

I think the point the point he is making, means you cannot. Crazy i now, but the brain cells working in the ticket office (from experience last season) probably cannot understand how to talk to a customer, listen and type into the computer the exchange.

Another cock up by City me thinks.

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Personally I wonder if part of the reasoning is the administration behind the fact that people could move into different price bands within the Dolan? Personally I would not like for people to be able to do this next year given that I have had to pay an extra £25 to sit in these blocks.

However, I cannot undererstand why the transfer cannot be authorised with stringent rules (ie before the day of the game, pay the difference). The worst thing here I believe is that nobody was informed BEFORE they bought their tickets... I think this could have been handled better to be honest.

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I can understand Neo's point, I don't see any real reason why he can't move. of course it means more paperwork for the club, so maybe they should issue a small admin fee of £25 to make any changes, then everyones happy, apart from Neo, who might not wanna pay the fee, but at least its a solution.

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What is interesting is I buy a season ticket as the club wants; "bread and butter" fan and all that.

Yet, I am totally restricted in terms of seat.

Whilst others can buy however many seats they want for any game they want in any location they want.

Where's the giving back to your bread and butter fans in that?

Monkey spunk comes to mind blink.gif worringly! ph34r.gif

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Now posted on the SL Forum:-

I, like rayer am mightily disappointed about the fact that as a season ticket holder, I can't move seat and i'll explain why.

Last year me, my daughter, my best mate, his boy and his brother in law all had season tickets.

This year, just me and my best mate have cos his brother in law simply can't afford it (new young family) and our kids only came to a few games cos of kids parties, weather, night games and school yah-de-yah.

So, we have now purchased our tickets in Dolman G with some other people we know (i.e. season ticket holders all around us).

Our thinking was that if the brother in law or kids can come, we will transfer and buy the extra seats so we are all together a few rows closer the front of the same block.

But, you are saying we can't and blaming "re-development"? What has that got to do with anything other than a very poor excuse.

So, can you explain why once again "bread and butter" fans (Colin's name for us!) have a reduction in rights?

Non-season ticket holders can buy up any number of seats in any area as and when they choose.

Season ticket holders cannot bring people to games and sit with them; how is that right?

The transaction for personal callers to the gate to buy 2 extra tickets, cancel their seats and find 4 together in a similar priced block or the same block takes literally 3-5 minutes.

The club sell 2 more seats and the season ticket holder is happy. The club can re-sell the abandoned seats (which normally are a better location than people move too). Why would you stop that?

It can't be cos the club-shop staff are rushed as whenever I go in there in the week, there is 2 staff serving at best and 2 or 3 in the back-room shuffling stock on racks; hardly rushed in fairness are they?

This absolutely blows and is a real kick in the teeth, especially as I would have bought my daughter a season ticket seat just to ensure when she did come she was by me.

To personal callers only, I can not believe that this decision will not be reversed and look forward to the announcement shortly when some real thought is put in to this. smile.gif

If not, 3 City fans (from just me, let alone anybody else) are going to have little chance of going to a game together. I'll try to explain this to my daughter later, however, some guidance on where to start would be appreciated. I don't know how without making our club sound shambolic!

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Neo, I totally agree with you. It seems sometimes the club makes the simple things difficult.

I can understand if they said no swopping about on matchdays, but possible in advance. It will affect many people who bring the casual fan, childrens friends as you say. It just wouldn't be possible to have them sit away from you.

I am wondering how the different priced Doman seats will be policed, different coloured tickets? More checks by stewards?

As far as the redevelopment being the reason why seats cann't be moved, maybe the club believes (or hopes) that each game will be played to near capacity. So there won't be many spare seats anyway? dunno.gif

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As far as the redevelopment being the reason why seats cann't be moved, maybe the club believes (or hopes) that each game will be played to near capacity. So there won't be many spare seats anyway? dunno.gif

It could be that and I hope that's true.

Even if that turns out to be the case, season ticket holders (although should not have priority), must have the right to buy some tickets for friends/family and join the queues that will no doubt form on a dinner-hour biggrin.gif .

Pointless exercise though if they can't sit by you.

Perhaps, cynical head on, that suits the club! ph34r.gif

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Now posted on the SL Forum:-

I, like rayer am mightily disappointed about the fact that as a season ticket holder, I can't move seat and i'll explain why.

Last year me, my daughter, my best mate, his boy and his brother in law all had season tickets.

This year, just me and my best mate have cos his brother in law simply can't afford it (new young family) and our kids only came to a few games cos of kids parties, weather, night games and school yah-de-yah.

So, we have now purchased our tickets in Dolman G with some other people we know (i.e. season ticket holders all around us).

Our thinking was that if the brother in law or kids can come, we will transfer and buy the extra seats so we are all together a few rows closer the front of the same block.

But, you are saying we can't and blaming "re-development"?  What has that got to do with anything other than a very poor excuse.

So, can you explain why once again "bread and butter" fans (Colin's name for us!) have a reduction in rights?

Non-season ticket holders can buy up any number of seats in any area as and when they choose.

Season ticket holders cannot bring people to games and sit with them; how is that right?

The transaction for personal callers to the gate to buy 2 extra tickets, cancel their seats and find 4 together in a similar priced block or the same block takes literally 3-5 minutes.

The club sell 2 more seats and the season ticket holder is happy.  The club can re-sell the abandoned seats (which normally are a better location than people move too).  Why would you stop that?

It can't be cos the club-shop staff are rushed as whenever I go in there in the week, there is 2 staff serving at best and 2 or 3 in the back-room shuffling stock on racks; hardly rushed in fairness are they?

This absolutely blows and is a real kick in the teeth, especially as I would have bought my daughter a season ticket seat just to ensure when she did come she was by me.

To personal callers only, I can not believe that this decision will not be reversed and look forward to the announcement shortly when some real thought is put in to this.  smile.gif

If not, 3 City fans (from just me, let alone anybody else) are going to have little chance of going to a game together.  I'll try to explain this to my daughter later, however, some guidance on where to start would be appreciated.  I don't know how without making our club sound shambolic!

Always take it to the big guy, don't you Neo shifty.gif

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Always take it to the big guy, don't you Neo shifty.gif

Yeah and he never firking responds. Still, nice to get RSI for something different this time! blushing.gif

edit: btw, pilnin - whoosh on that one. Should be me serving you the fries! doh.gif

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Its a ridiculous ruling and I'm glad that both yourself and Rayer have questioned the club on this.

How on earth are we ST holders supposed to encourage new fans into joining us at games when we wont be able to sit with them? Whilst waiting until 3pm to locate vacant banks of seats is an option I'm none too keen on the idea of sitting in the bottom corner of the Ayteo.

Unsurprisingly this yet another example of an administrative cock up by the club.

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Yeah and he never firking responds.  Still, nice to get RSI for something different this time!  blushing.gif

RSI unsure.gif --> ?

edit: btw, pilnin - whoosh on that one.  Should be me serving you the fries!  doh.gif

Easy Easy Easy razz.gif

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I know this must stink for a lot of people. They have done this because of the re-developement, but I agree it is a bit silly that season ticket holders will not be able to move if they bring other "potential" season ticket buyers with them.

However, in their defence I felt I should speak about what the staff have done for the disabled season ticket holder I bring to matches.

He cant sit up by himself and so has to sit on my lap. Last season, Helen in the ticket office very kindly offered to reserve the two seats next to him, so that if we ever want to bring someone else with us, then we just sit them in the seats next to his.

There does seem to be a lot of "seat moving" that goes on, where I sit in the Williams, it seems that as soon as the match starts, then people who were sat further back "drift" closer to the front. As long as they don't get in my way, I don't mind!


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I know this must stink for a lot of people. They have done this because of the re-developement, but I agree it is a bit silly that season ticket holders will not be able to move if they bring other "potential" season ticket buyers with them.

However, in their defence I felt I should speak about what the staff have done for the disabled season ticket holder I bring to matches.

He cant sit up by himself and so has to sit on my lap.  Last season, Helen in the ticket office very kindly offered to reserve the two seats next to him, so that if we ever want to bring someone else with us, then we just sit them in the seats next to his.

There does seem to be a lot of "seat moving" that goes on, where I sit in the Williams, it seems that as soon as the match starts, then people who were sat further back "drift" closer to the front.  As long as they don't get in my way, I don't mind!


With all due respect (and i'm truly glad they sorted this for you), this is helping an isolated case whilst losing the bigger picture on a very common case for a lot of people.

As for this is due to the re-development work; that doesn't wash for me. As stated earlier, I am happy to take my chances trying to get a ticket and do not expect any priority over anybody else.

But why should I not be able to get a ticket for somebody and sit with them, whilst non-season ticket holders can?

It's illogical capitan! And it sucks mammouth coq-au-vin! ohmy.gif

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OK, its Tuesday night on a cold January evening and it is chucking it down. Sorry everyone, you cant move to another seat which is out of the rain, you have to stay in your paid wet seat. My ar$e !!!!!

Never going to work, even if the dolman middle seats are more expensive, imagine a steward trying to stop 50 + fans on the move to them.

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I know this must stink for a lot of people. They have done this because of the re-developement, but I agree it is a bit silly that season ticket holders will not be able to move if they bring other "potential" season ticket buyers with them.

However, in their defence I felt I should speak about what the staff have done for the disabled season ticket holder I bring to matches.

He cant sit up by himself and so has to sit on my lap.  Last season, Helen in the ticket office very kindly offered to reserve the two seats next to him, so that if we ever want to bring someone else with us, then we just sit them in the seats next to his.

There does seem to be a lot of "seat moving" that goes on, where I sit in the Williams, it seems that as soon as the match starts, then people who were sat further back "drift" closer to the front.  As long as they don't get in my way, I don't mind!



Whilst this clearly suits can you confirm one thing - If you don't bring friends to the game, are the two seats nect to him therefore empty? This doesnt make sense to me because those seats could be sold to someone else no?

In affect, these seats become "seaon ticket" seats which are pay on the day and I am sure that if I went to Helen and said I wanted to reserve the seat by me so that my mates could turn up if they want to then it wouldnt be allowed.

Is this positive discrimination in your opinion? Are these seats being reserved BECAUSE the child is disabled? Now, you know me well enough to know that I'm not a hard nosed old get, but I am not sure this is a good thing.. It just doesnt seem fair..?

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Seems like the only way to sit next to mates/friends/family is to buy season ticket dunno.gif

There are normally 3 or 4 of us who last year sat near that rowdy lot in the Williams ph34r.gif every game we were able to get seats together;I don't expect to get 3/4 seats so easy this year sad.gif

Maybe the booking office guys/gals need to know excactly what/how many seats are available for the pay on the day lot;me, ohmy.gif

There will be a greatly reduced seats availability due to the away lot in the Williams,No East End,Arrival of Stewart etc.

There will be thousands of turn up on the day and pay, clamouring for the best of whats left, suppose the clubs idea is that moving S.T holders around as well will be a pain dunno.gif

Anyway, buy a ticket or buy a season ticket the choice is yours. city.gifbiggrin.gif

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Whilst this clearly suits can you confirm one thing - If you don't bring friends to the game, are the two seats nect to him therefore empty?  This doesnt make sense to me because those seats could be sold to someone else no?

In affect, these seats become "seaon ticket" seats which are pay on the day and I am sure that if I went to Helen and said I wanted to reserve the seat by me so that my mates could turn up if they want to then it wouldnt be allowed.

Is this positive discrimination in your opinion? Are these seats being reserved BECAUSE the child is disabled?  Now, you know me well enough to know that I'm not a hard nosed old get, but I am not sure this is a good thing..  It just doesnt seem fair..?

Yes those seats remain empty, although if we go we nearly always go with at least one other person, so if he is there then they are nearly always used.

He doesnt go to evening games as he is only nine (sadly I have to pay then, as I cant use his ticket) so most of the time in that case we ring up and say we wont be coming, and then those seats are freed up by the club to sell to someone else as a one off.

And I know you werent being a hard nosed get! We need at least one seat next to us, cos he has a habit of kicking people (usually if we're losing)


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Yes those seats remain empty, although if we go we nearly always go with at least one other person, so if he is there then they are nearly always used. 

He doesnt go to evening games as he is only nine (sadly I have to pay then, as I cant use his ticket) so most of the time in that case we ring up and say we wont be coming, and then those seats are freed up by the club to sell to someone else as a one off.

And I know you werent being a hard nosed get!  We need at least one seat next to us, cos he has a habit of kicking people (usually if we're losing)


This is actually good to see in my opinion and puts the club in a positive light.

But, if my original complaint is not answered, god help them if things don't go well early in the season and we see the now annual "come on, introduce a friend" type message from the club.

HOW? will be my question! mad.gif

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Anyone would be desparate to move away from Neo. praying smiley.gif

Yeah right. I already know you asked Scoot to swap seats. And the bribe was insulting to say the least; i'm worth more than that! wub.gif

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This is actually good to see in my opinion and puts the club in a positive light.

But,  if my original complaint is not answered, god help them if things don't go well early in the season and we see the now annual "come on, introduce a friend" type message from the club.

HOW? will be my question!  mad.gif

I think you're probably right... and at least Dolly has to pay a few quid throughout the season wink.gif

Being devil's advocate though... it is kinda unfair. Doesnt overly bother me though and fair lay to the kid, I have a similar habit as him actually.. rolleyes.gif

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Supporters will be able to transfer seats for specific games but on two conditions only:-

- seats must be transferred before the day of the match

- transfers may not be available into certain blocks of certain stands

Details will be confirmed prior to the start of the season.



10 TO 1 Dolman G is one of the blocks I can not transfer too even though I sit there already! devil.gif

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